Band and Edmodo – Teacher Spotlight

Lindsey Gamble, band teacher at PRMS, integrates Edmodo into her daily interactions with students.

“I use Edmodo as a tool for student practicing at home, playing proficiencies (assessments), classroom documents, and band announcements/calendar.  It has been a total success!”

Lindsey learned about Edmodo last school year during professional development opportunities.  She leaned on other staff members who use Edmodo as well for suggestions.

When students submit assignments, they utilize the emoticons to reflect about the assignment – Awesome, Like It and Interesting.  Students also use Edmodo to communicate with Lindsey directly when they have a questions about an assignment or event in the calendar.

Edmodo – Tool of the Month

Edmodo is a social networking site designed for schools.  In a secure environment, students and teachers can interact through a discussion board, assignment drop box and other unique features.

Edmodo provides applications to run inside the site including Educlipper and Blendspace (formerly Edcanvas).

Edmodo provides many global communities you can join based upon your subject area interests and your curriculum. Utilize these communities to ask questions, get advice, exchange ideas and share resources.

Edmodo also provides group features. These groups can be created by Edmodo users.  Such global groups include All things Apple, iPads for Learning,  STEM, or Flipping your classroom.  Many teachers are also creating groups for their PLC.

To utilize Edmodo, contact Jodie Johnston, Ed Tech Team, to set up a Blue Valley Edmodo account.

For more information, view the TechSource page.

Edmodo Collaboration – Teacher Spotlight

Several middle school librarians (Korene Ekstrand – LKMS, Vanessa Loffredo – OTMS, Lisa Nocita – PRMS, Jenny Robinson – OMS, Kelly Utley – PRMS and Kristi Yeager-ABMS) utilize Edmodo for students to collaborate between buildings.  Through a voluntary reading program, The Trendy 12, students read 20 books and select the top 12 books in March.  To facilitate discussion and conversations about the 20 titles across buildings, the librarians created a TAG group on Edmodo where students could respond to conversation threads and polls about the books they were reading.

Not only could students respond to librarian posts, but students were encouraged to create  threads and polls. It was a way for students to connect to one another via social media outside of the school day as a group of diverse readers who were connected by a singular love of reading. As a secondary benefit, it offered the students the opportunity hone their interactions on a social network and to consider the ethical use of media and information.

Edmodo – Tips and Tricks

Are you a current Edmodo user?  If so, view these helpful tips and tricks to get more out of Edmodo.

1.  Create formative assessments by using Edmodo’s quiz builder or poll feature.

2.  Create small Edmodo groups for students to collaborate on a group project.  Utilize this group for peer editing as well.

3.  Share projects.  Students upload videos, photos and documents for other classmates to view and comment.

4.  Create a book club in Edmodo to foster an appreciate of literature.

5.  Create an Edmodo group for your team or building to share ideas and content.

6.  Import an RSS feed from a news source.  As the news web site updates, the group will be able to view the newest articles.  What is an RSS feed?  Click here.

7.  Differentiate your content by using small groups and shared folders.

8.  During a field trip, students utilize personal mobile devices to access Edmodo in small groups.  Post questions for students to answer during the event.

9.  Use the library in Edmodo as a ‘student backpack’.  For example, a student can upload a PowerPoint and download from the home computer.  The student can then upload the PowerPoint and view the work at school.

10. Post project links.  Teachers can easily manage Web 2.0 projects by having students post the web link to a complete project.